Мы надеемся, что, как вы упомянули, у нас есть 3 тестировщика, у которых есть интерес и оборудование, для углубленной оценки. Мы все еще принимаем предложения от участников по участию в тестировании, примем решение в конце следующей недели. AC
Здравствуйте, ac2300:
Я продаю такие вещи, как ваши контакты питания, даже если я их не пробовал.
Латунные штифты, которые у меня есть на моем Dread, поставлялись с JLD Bridge DR. Я заказал год или около того после того, как я купил его.
I had no issues with my Dread's top that merited the Bridge Dr.
I had seen one ( JLD ) put on a bowed topped Takamine Dread the fix was amazing how it brought down the action but more importantly was the sound - it cause a over all improvement in sound quality and volume , that impressed me .
I asked a lot of questions that day to the sales rep. who installed those pins and Bridge Dr. He said those pins always always make a louder sounding guitar even with out the Bridge Dr. this was at least 6 years before I had a little miracle happen that allowed me to return to guitar after 36 years of praying for it to happen .
When I ( after a year of practicing ) got my new first guitar I put those brass pins on for the sound enhancement and it worked .The Bridge Dr. is there as a preventative measure for bowing cause I use 13'a mediums .
If you had a set with one of those designed to fit my Bridge DR. ( one is needed to fasten the Bridge Dr. to the brass pin to work right ) I'd probably get a set .
In my pic you can see how beat up those brass pins have become since I put them in over 10 years ago .
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