A lot of really good buskers are getting great result with a IPhone and a good small state of the art P.A. - a small one mind you .
Dig this guy's set up and how it sounds . It's simple and fast and up loadable via your smartphone wifi connection .
This was just posted recorded in India :
Nice France :
He uses a Behringer 10" powered speaker and the IPHone most times . The results have garnered him a strong following
The Behringer is a good way to go . He's been hauling that speaker all over England , Spain , Italy , Romania ,
Croatia and now India . That says a lot about that speaker's reliability . The sound , well hearing is believing .
I use something different but it's the same , a P.A. being picked up audibly by a IPHone 5s mic .
You can also get more technical and use a interface into a iPHone to hook a quality LCD 48 VDC phantom
powered mic or a SM57 Shure , which is what I'm about to try myself .
this is a perfect quick simple way to live stream HD audio with video on social media .
The Irig Pro is one of my interfaces and the other is a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 .
The Scarlett is about $250.00 and the Irig Pro about $149.00
800) {this.width=800;this.alt='Click here to see a large version';}" onmouseover="if(this.alt) this.style.cursor='pointer';" onclick="if(this.alt) window.open('
https://media.sweetwater.com/images/items/750/iRigProIO-large.jpg?v=a042e14f5e62c177');" border="0">
Адаптер для IOS IPHone / IPad