Некоторое время назад (а я имею в виду
довольно давно назад), мы с Джоном говорили о создании другой пользовательской сборки для меня. Мы надеялись, что это начнется где-то прошлой осенью, а потом жизнь помешала. Теперь, когда время прошло, и я продал некоторые из своих лучших инструментов, я немного беспокоюсь о том, чтобы что-то хорошее, чтобы играть, что мне не нужно продавать неделю, я получаю это, ха !.

John has been very patient with me and allowed me time to work a few things out. Now that a few of my most pressing issues have begun to subside a bit, it's time to start a very SLOW build. You could say that this one will fit in between some other projects John is working on and so it may be this time next year before this is totally completed...which is about the amount of time I'll need to gather up the funds to pay for it lol
So, initially I'll say that the guitar will sport the woods you see below. The striped piece is Black and White Ebony, and the soundboard is some really nice pure white Englemann Spruce. John and I have much to discuss regarding the particulars of this build. Our goal is to create something that is visually compelling and tonally amazing. As with all of my earlier projects, "traditional with an edge". We're probably going to bind it with Black ebony, but many of the other details are yet to be worked out.
I might mention a couple of things that we have settled on...it will be a
13 fret with a cutaway, and it will have a
Ryan style but thinner arm bevel, and a
bound soundport.
Edit: Also a deep body. The bevels make it all work nicely to be a bit chubby but comfy guitar

800) {this.width=800;this.alt='Click here to see a large version';}" onmouseover="if(this.alt) this.style.cursor='pointer';" onclick="if(this.alt) window.open('
http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/mbennitt/Kinnaird%20Black%20and%20White%20Ebony/20170307_105328_zpsvifmoisx.jpg');" border="0">