Сообщение от Вилли Вольтер ↠ Вкл мой резонатор, который я настроил, чтобы открыть G, я использовал струны Джона Пирса # 3100. На 0,016 - 0,059, они накачаны, но звучат потрясающе. Я использовал свою гитару исключительно с горкой. |
Я использовал Tunelectronics Polytune для всех своих гитар, никаких проблем со стабильностью. Я использую различные настройки для моего укулеле, нейлона и стали
6 струнных акустических / электрических, а также для моего миди / электрического.
На вашем Муле, Это это один прекрасный гитарный пост, выбор, бахвальство приемлемо онлайн, это образ жизни, человек хе-хе-хе
@ Willie Voltaire :
I tried for the first time on my resonator DADDAD - It was super , it finally opened up the "
SLIDE " to me and Little Red Rooster popped out sweet as can be .
I have 13's mediums on it , I like the highs on it , clean and clear , very nice , can get raunchy or sweet , but the heavier gauge on the 4th/5th/&6th I think I
want to go lighter as they tend to " Thud " and are not quite as brilliant when played softly .
I don't have a preference yet as to the brand to use , that could change things .
I'm playing this cool looking/sounding " Antares " resonator finger style in standard tuning as it's action is set to go either or , and loving it because of it's tones and fast
playing action, the sound is unreal I thought
Then I found out last night just how awesome a guitar this is .
What really opened up this resonator was when I took it off my shoulder and laid it across my lap to play slide on the first time last night .
Didn't realize that besides the great reverberation sound it throws down , it also has what sounds like delay - a " tight/short " clean clear delay , sparkling
crystal clear and a long lasting cascading fade away - - Blew my mind . All that acoustically because :
Thar ain't no lectronic heah t'ol n dis resonator .
It's a solid all mahogany log of a guitar , heavy for a wooded body and neck - single resonator biscuit type Red Tobacco Burst .
I am thinking on getting a combination mag/mic pickup . Seymour Duncan makes one I'm considering buying . It shouldn't be a hard installation at the place
where those three little holes are a below the neck - that's where most magnetic pickups are placed I've found .
This pic below is off the net it's the model and make of mine :
It's got on the headstock printed
Antares "
in Gold letters
I don't know much about this except it's probably Korean made . My resonator is in fine shape , it's history :
It was stored away day one in a closet basically and the owner who didn't play won it in a raffle - then died . Sat gain unused for a long while .
Several hitter guitar players turned it down cause it had a bad sound at the 10th fret that was ugly . I was given this guitar after I fixed the issue .
It's a keeper , wow , izzz it a keeper . It looks a lot like the pic on that package of strings you have in your post .
800) {this.width=800;this.alt='Click here to see a large version';}" onmouseover="if(this.alt) this.style.cursor='pointer';" onclick="if(this.alt) window.open('
https://reverb-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/a_exif,c_limit,f_auto,fl_progressive,h_620,q_75,w_620/v1422625096/pxtsj7hotgvgiygftqql.jpg');" border="0">
EZ Ya will: