Первоначально написал Leftyplay ↠ Что такое ты говоришь? Для меня седло Taylor выглядит лучше всего с выемками для струн. Собираетесь ли вы из седла Taylor в Колози? Если так, то почему? Я жду, когда прибудет мое костяное седло. Я заказал его около недели назад с некоторыми Taylor выборами. Выборы были уже доставлены, но седла пока нет. Интересно, почему они не были отправлены вместе.
The notches are a bad thing and are a result of wear. I changed from the bone Taylor wave saddle that was part of my BTO Taylor to a more durable, and better sounding (IMHO) West African Hard Ivory saddle form Bob Colosi. It should not notch up like the Taylor did.
The Taylor bone saddle while nice was obviously not shaped by hand(looks like CNC) and, and was entirely unpolished. It also had an obvious fatty deposit, or something on the right side. Thats the blob that shows on the face, means part of the bone saddle was a different density than the other part. I would guess that most Taylor saddle do not suffer from this.
That being said your Taylor saddle you ordered is among the best of the factory supplied bone saddles, it is just that Bob Colosis are much, much, nicer. Really in a league of their own as far as the material selection and the attention to detail in the carving and polishing of the top. I would call them the boutique saddles of the guitar world. Each is made individually to exacting standards by My. Colosis hands. To boot he is a super nice guy, and a sponsor to the forum.
Here are a close ups that show the difference better:
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