Прекрасный Джон
I don't know if you want to open this can of worms, but IÂm curious what your thoughts are on bearclaw Sitka. Lately IÂve been thinking about how every bearclaw guitar IÂve played IÂve loved. I understand it can be stiffer, so IÂm guessing you can get it thinner? I really like the way it looks too.
Umm, Bearclaw can be stiffer (and usually denser) than a straight-grained piece, but that is not the only attribute we look for. Also just because it is stiffer, does not mean I will automatically thin the top down more (I might) but it depend on what we are trying to achieve. There seems to be a quick response to bearclaw (in general) and it does tend to have ample headroom. Some people don't like the look of bearclaw, but I think it is cool. Overall, I like bearclaw quite a bit. (I will be building a guitar with a bearclaw top for the sonic sitka project, put that will be a story for another thread.)
I also had chance to take a couple more shots of the guitar today, so here is another look at the back.
800) {this.width=800;this.alt='Click here to see a large version';}" onmouseover="if(this.alt) this.style.cursor='pointer';" onclick="if(this.alt) window.open('
http://www.osthoffguitars.com/images/cust/bono/backbtrsht.jpg');" border="0">
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