Я сделал несколько быстрых и грязных фотографий моего нового R Taylor этим утром. Некоторые не очень хорошо фокусировались

, but some came out OK.
I bought this guitar from Buffalo Bros, before I had read all the negativity about them. This sort of concerned me at first.... but Kevin really did treat me pretty well. He answered all of my questions, in numerous emails. I'd highly recommend dealing with Kevin. I received the guitar 5 weeks after placing the order.
Before this guitar, I had a 2007 GS8 (that I bought about 6 months ago). I liked this guitar alot (and now antz_marchin has a killer guitar). My goal with this guitar was to basically have a GS 'plus'. I wanted a bit more headroom, and more bass response. I think this guitar achieves that goal.
I'm not sure if I had a really good GS, or if this is the norm, but this guitar is VERY similar to the GS I had. As a mentioned, it does have a bit more volume, bass, clarity, headroom, ect. But it definitely sounds like my GS. I think this is a good thing, as it was what i was looking for (a 'better' GS). But for those that are perfectly happy with our GS, or those that can't afford an RT... those GSs are killer guitars.
My wood choices were nothing exotic, moon spruce and IRW. My only other upgrade was Adi bracing. It has a 65' radius top, and modified X bracing. No fret markers, RW binding. Pretty 'standard' as far as options go, no additional bling or anything.

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